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Diagnostic Flow Chart

  1. Testing and figuring out what’s wrong is easy:
  2. If a corner is low:
    1. Check for deviation from level control. If a value is extremely far off, check or replace the sensor.
    2. If not, set tire change mode overnight to verify it’s not a mechanical leak.
      • If it drops, search for a physical leak using soapy water. Common leak: residuals on front bags.
      • If there is no physical leak and it's not sensor-related, check the manifold block:
        • Remove the corner that’s low and hit fill “x” axle to verify if air comes out.
        • If air comes out, it’s either the sensor, manifold, or compressor.
        • If no air comes out, remove the brown line and hit fill pressure accumulator. If air comes out, it is more than likely the manifold block (can be the compressor can't build pressure).
    3. If there is no air, verify if the compressor is on:
      • If it’s not on, check the relay.
      • If the relay is good, check the power terminals at the compressor and verify it has power.
      • If there is power, probe and send juice to the compressor to turn it on.
        • If it turns on, then go to Audi.
        • If it doesn’t turn on, replace the compressor.

Original by: TGK Motorsport

Revisions by: C7Wiki